Amaranth is a gluten-free grain that was a staple in Mexico, Guatemala and Peru thousands of years ago. It is highly nutritious and provides plenty of fiber, protein and micronutrients. Properties: Listed as a superfood High in fibre with a nutty flavour Easily digestible & contains anti-oxidants Gelatinous with a crunch as the grains never totally soften May lower cholesterol and have anti-inflammatory benefits Very popular with moms as it is a perfect first food for babies


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Nutritional's per 100g:

  • Protein 9.3g; Fibre 7g; Fat 5.2g; Carbs 46g; Magnesium 40%; Manganese 105%; Iron 29% Copper 18% of RDA


  • Consumed as an alternative to porridge with a tasty nutty flavour
  • Used as a side dish instead of rice
  • Can be sprouted for 3 days before cooking, which makes it easier to digest
  • Can be popped, like popcorn – serve with yogurt, salads, granola/energy balls
  • Soak overnight – rinse, 1-2 ratio with water, boil for 15mins or till water absorbed

